The 2nd Transnational Project Meeting, 27th August 2021 – on-line meeting

Title of the project: Development of the Master Level of Sports Management with Special Emphasis on the Field of Sports

Project number: 2020-1-PL01-KA203-081993

Aim of the meeting: The discussion on the upcoming first multiplier event in Biała Podlaska

Coordinator: Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Biała Podlaska, Poland

Project Partners: University of Pecs, Hungary; University of Novi Sad, Serbia


Due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, the meeting took place online in the form of a teleconference. The representatives of all the three Universities participated in the meeting. After welcoming all the participants, the Project Manager presented the following points of the Meeting Agenda:

  1. Current situation ;
  2. The first multiplier event in Biała Podlaska – the discussion on the event agenda and the technical aspects of the remote conference;
  3. Review and controlling – the discussion on the development of evaluation and review tools;
  4. Next steps.


Current situation


The project meeting began with a presentation of the situation regarding the advancement of the planned work and the discussion on the ongoing preparations for the Multiplier Event in Biała Podlaska, scheduled for August 30-31, 2021.


The first multiplier event in Biała Podlaska


The main point of the partners' meeting was a detailed discussion on the program of the First Multiplier Event. The partners informed the Polish side that due to the travel difficulties caused by COVID-19, they would not be able to participate in the event at the location in Biała Podlaska. Therefore, it was agreed that the selected university representatives would present their IOs remotely and participate in the conference online. Further discussion took place regarding the possible ways to present the results achieved in IO1 and IO2 and the progress made in the IO3-IO6 courses. It was agreed that one of the main conference presentations must be a characterization of the MOSMEN e-learning platform. During the discussion, particular attention was paid to the way of presenting the prepared materials through the e-learning platform where they would be available and the methods of learning via the platform.

Due to the fact that the task of the project is to fill the gap in sports education through the provision of curriculum covering the relevant theoretical and practical knowledge for future sports managers, a significant part of the meeting was devoted to the arrangements for the proper preparation of the message, so that it could reach the largest possible group of the potential recipients. The key objective of all the prepared presentations should be the clarity of the message concerning the innovation of the MOSMEN educational program.


Review and controlling


The control and evaluation of the teaching materials developed as a part of the educational programs of the individual courses is one of the project tasks. Therefore, the next item on the agenda was the discussion regarding the ways to control and assess the quality of the developed materials. The Polish side undertook to develop and submit by the next meeting a course module review sheet, on the basis of which the internal evaluation would be carried out.


Next steps


All the partners agreed to schedule the next meeting for November. The most important task for the coming days was the preparation of the first multiplier event in Poland.


Monday, 07 March 2022 15:16 Last Updated on Thursday, 28 April 2022 10:51 Written by Anna Maksymiuk