The 3rd Transnational Project Meeting

Title of the project: Development of the Master Level of Sports Management with Special Emphasis on the Field of Sports

Project number: 2020-1-PL01-KA203-081993

Date: 21-22nd April 2022

Place: Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Pécs, Build. D, classroom D12, Vörösmarty u. 3., Pécs, Hungary 

Aim of the meeting: The first in-person transnational project meeting with the partners

Coordinator: John Paul II university of Applied Sciences in Biala Podlaska, Poland

Project Partners: University of Pécs, Hungary; University of Novi Sad, Serbia


21st April 2022

The meeting started with Róbert Dudás’ talk about managerial, administrative and financial issues. Particularly, he emphasized the importance of the correct and up-to-date documentation (such as timesheets which have to be filled regularly and comply with other requirements). The working days in the timesheets for all the IOs should be used up by each project partner as planned in the project application and as was shown in a table during the presentation. The next point raised during the discussion was the 4th transnational project meeting that would be organized by University of Novi Sad at the time of the European Week of Sports at the end of September. The travelers to Serbia must apply the same method for the financial settlements as they did for this trip to Pécs. The project partners also agreed that there is a need to share the documents with the Steering Groups/Advisory Board/associated partners, so that they can review the materials. Also, we need a memo or written confirmation of such a review.

Key Performance Indicators of the project:

- satisfaction surveys: e.g., after a multiplier event, to gather the end-users’ opinion on the e-learning platform, or the questionnaires as a part of the review process for each other’s IOs;

- interviews with the participants;

- the frequency of visits on social media: this task should be shared among the partners, everyone should write a short post about its own IOs, make short videos to be uploaded on YouTube. The project should have its own project profile on FB, etc.;

- various dissemination activities: the project should be promoted at multiplier sport events such as the European Week of Sports or during a conference in Hungary in June 2022 in Szeged;

- translations: after all the IOs are completed in English, each project partner should translate them into their own national language. IO1 and IO2 are ready and available in Dropbox (only the final versions of IOs should be uploaded in Dropbox);

- the statement about the copyright should be placed on every document;

- the Tempus logo should be removed from all the templates. The MOSMEN logo on the platform has to be only in blue (now “men” is in red at some places on the e-learning platform);

- all the materials in English should be finished by the end of August 2022.

The project partners decided that they would meet up in May (12th May at noon) to discuss these details and suggestions.

Next, Dávid Paár presented the current state of the e-learning platform, which is available at: (temporary, test version):

  • all the IOs have the same structure, layout and design;
  • the format of the references should be the same and the references may be numbered and hyperlinked (the reference list in APA style);
  • the references have to be placed in the last slide of ppts;
  • the most important articles, texts and learning materials of each module need to be uploaded in pdf;
  • each module includes a mini quiz and there is also a final quiz (a bank containing 70 questions to generate different kind of tests for different students);
  • pictures should be integrated into the learning materials but they cannot be in the pdf format;
  • a new folder would be created for pictures;
  • hyperlinks would be embedded in the html – these parts need to be marked in the word document;
  • visualization and formal requirements of papers/professional materials would be uploaded into Dropbox;
  • some additional materials such as databases, SPSS files would be included;
  • some information about the authors of the IOs (affiliation, academic degree, short Europass CV) would also be displayed;
  • a folder in the Dropbox should be created for an images bank that can be used later in the Moodle platform – the parameters of the pics should be clarified thereafter.

Finally, Darinka Korovljev presented a sample of a guidebook which had been developed within the framework of another project called “Sport for Health”.

22nd April 2022

The second day of the meeting started with the discussion led by Róbert Dudás about the fulfillment of key performance indicators of the project: qualitative and quantitative indicators.

The examples of guidebooks from some previous projects (Conscious, Newsreel) were also discussed. They could be used in this project regarding the structure and other options (should it be a general teachers’ guidebook, or should it be adopted to each IO to have 6 guidebooks as a result?). From the previous examples presented, several variations may be considered, which could be decided by the partners later. The decision could be made at the next project meeting in September (29-30th) in Novi Sad when the proposals/prototype from all the participating universities would be discussed.


The project partners decided that the next project meeting would be organized in September (29-30th) in Novi Sad along with the second multiplier event at the time of the European Sports Week.

There was also a discussion about the possible submission of the project proposal for MOSMEN II as the continuation of this project to develop further 6 IOs.

The following dissemination tasks were set: UP would draft the design of a T-shirt (Darinka Korovljev would send a sample) and a roll-up (Robert would send a sample) in English to be used during the events (e.g., the next conference in June in Szeged) for the dissemination purposes. These would be uploaded into Dropbox, where a dissemination folder would be created. T-shirts should have the logos of project partners, project number, Erasmus logo and website of Moodle platform. Roll-up would include the project ID, title, description, budget, Erasmus logo. Also, the UP would create the social media accounts so that the partners may publish posts and articles on a regular basis.



Thursday, 28 April 2022 08:55 Last Updated on Friday, 20 May 2022 10:28 Written by Anna Maksymiuk